Last updated:

8th July 2024

What our foster carers say

Interview with a Wokingham Foster Carer

What 5 words best describe the experience of fostering?

'The 5 best words to describe our fostering experience would be: rewarding, privileged, fulfilling, enlightening, and enriching.'

What is the best part of being a foster carer?

'The best part of being a foster carer, and there are many, would have to be feeling like you are making a difference to a child's life, and being in a privileged position looking after other people’s children.'

What is the most challenging part of being a foster carer?

'The most challenging aspect of being a foster carer is the long and sometimes frustrating process involved in some cases. You really have to be patient and let the professionals do their part of the job whilst caring in the best interest of the child in care and remaining a good advocate for the child and their rights.' 

What would you say to someone interested in fostering?

'I would say to someone interested in being a foster carer….Go For It! It will be one of the best things you could do in your life. 

Find out as much information about fostering from your local authority and go along to any events they may be running to learn more. Taking that first step to enquire and learn is a big move but once you have reached out there is no looking back and you would wish you had started sooner.

Go along to an open event or talk to children’s services - you are not signing up or committing from a first meeting or discussion. You will learn more and if this is something of interest to you, you will be surprised just what you can do once you choose to become a foster carer.  Having that first meeting was the best step we took.'

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