Contact us
Get in touch with the team for a chat about fostering in our borough
We’d love to discuss your interest in fostering with you so please contact us through one of the following ways and request Wokingham:
Fill in our online form
You can get in touch by completing our online form
Email us
Send an email to
Phone us
Call our fostering enquiry line 0300 131 2797
Come to a fostering event
Join our next fostering information events.
For general enquiries
For Local Authority checks, please email: and we advise a response time of 10 working days to complete requests
To call the Wokingham Fostering Team 0118 974 6204 (Select Children's Services)
To email the Wokingham Fostering team
To enquire about adoption visit the Adopt Thames Valley website.

Working together
We're now working with 19 other local authorities to recruit and support more amazing foster carers. Our local fostering team here in Wokingham will continue to look after you as you join our friendly fostering family and start to care for children in our Borough. You’ll also benefit from a centralised regional enquiry hub, with local authorities working together to ensure you get the very best local training and support from the start.
All working together to change the lives of children in our communities.